Double Acting Plough Outside Drills Overturning Valves For Cylinder With Memory And Without Memory

Use and operation:
Valves for actuators with memory (V0325): realized for use on cylinders with memory for outside drills reversible plough, it’s provided with a dual cross relief valve which provides protection against tear’s shocks when the plough exceeds the dead point. Valves for actuators without memory (V0326): realized for use on cylinders without memory for outside drills reversible plough, it is provided with a dual cross relief valve and with a relief valve: this enables to reduce the thrust pressure (block side) in order not to damage the mechanical locks and the plough ’s head. Both systems are provided with a fixed compensated flow control valve which allows to keep a constant speed whether the plough works inside the drills or outside.
Connect C1 and the dual cross relief valve to the cylinder from the stem side through the double holed screw (supplied with the valves) and double banjos, connect C2 to the cylinder from the block’s side, P and T to the machine inlet.

Use and operation:

Valves for actuators with memory (V0325): realized for use on cylinders with memory for outside drills reversible plough, it’s provided with a dual cross relief valve which provides protection against tear’s shocks when the plough exceeds the dead point. Valves for actuators without memory (V0326): realized for use on cylinders without memory for outside drills reversible plough, it is provided with a dual cross relief valve and with a relief valve: this enables to reduce the thrust pressure (block side) in order not to damage the mechanical locks and the plough ’s head. Both systems are provided with a fixed compensated flow control valve which allows to keep a constant speed whether the plough works inside the drills or outside.



Connect C1 and the dual cross relief valve to the cylinder from the stem side through the double holed screw (supplied with the valves) and double banjos, connect C2 to the cylinder from the block’s side, P and T to the machine inlet.


Technical specification


80/100 SV TN

Max adjustable pressure (Bar)


Max pressure (Bar)



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